Pfaffenwaldring 57
70569 Stuttgart
Room: 4-549
Large-area and single crystalline plasmonics
- Four-dimensional conserved topological charge vectors in plasmonic quasicrystals
S. Tsesses, P. Dreher, D. Janoschka, A. Neuhaus, K. Cohen, T. Meiler, T. Bucher, S. Sapir, B. Frank, T. Davis, F. Meyer zu Heringdorf, H. Giessen and G. Bartal
Science 387, 644 (2025) - Spatiotemporal topology of plasmonic spin meron pairs revealed by polarimetric photo-emission microscopy
P. Dreher, A. Neuhaus, D. Janoschka, A. Rödl, T. Meiler, B. Frank, T. Davis, H. Giessen and F. Meyer zu Heringdorf
Adv. Photonics 6, 066007 (2024) - Ultrafast Time Dynamics of Plasmonic Fractional Orbital Angular Momentum
T. Bauer, T. Davis, B. Frank, P. Dreher, D. Janoschka, T. Meiler, F. Meyer zu Heringdorf, L. Kuipers and H. Giessen
ACS Photonics 10, 4252 (2023) - Focused surface plasmon polaritons coherently couple to electronic states in above-threshold electron emission
P. Dreher, D. Janoschka, B. Frank, H. Giessen and F. Meyer zu Heringdorf
Commun. Phys. 6, 15 (2023) - Quantitative determination of the electric field strength in a plasmon focus from ponderomotive energy shifts
P. Dreher, D. Janoschka, A. Neuhaus, B. Frank, H. Giessen, M. Horn-von Hoegen and F. Meyer zu Heringdorf
Nanophotonics 11, 3687 (2022) - Phyllotaxis-inspired nanosieves with multiplexed orbital angular momentum
Z. Jin, D. Janoschka, J. Deng, L. Ge, P. Dreher, B. Frank, G. Hu, J. Ni, Y. Yang, J. Li, C. Yu, D. Lei, G. Li, S. Xiao, S. Mei, H. Giessen, F. Meyer zu Heringdorf and C. Qiu
eLight 1, 5 (2021) - Femtosecond field-driven on-chip unidirectional electronic currents in nonadiabatic tunnelling regime
L. Shi, I. Babushkin, A. Husakou, O. Melchert, B. Frank, J. Yi, G. Wetzel, A. Demircan, C. Lienau, H. Giessen, M. Ivanov, U. Morgner and M. Kovacev
Laser Photonics Rev. 15, 2000475 (2021) - Comment on "Dynamic tailoring of an optical skyrmion lattice in surface plasmon polaritons"
T. Meiler, B. Frank and H. Giessen
Opt. Express 28, 33614 (2020) - Ultrafast vector imaging of plasmonic skyrmion dynamics with deep subwavelength resolution
T. Davis, D. Janoschka, P. Dreher, B. Frank, F. Meyer zu Heringdorf and H. Giessen
Science 368, eaba6415 (2020) - Highly Confined In-plane Propagating Exciton-Polaritons on Monolayer Semiconductors
I. Epstein, A. Chaves, D. Rhodes, B. Frank, K. Watanabe, T. Taniguchi, H. Giessen, J. Hone, N. Peres and F. Koppens
2D Mater. 7, 035031 (2020) - Near-unity light absorption in a monolayer WS2 van der Waals heterostructure cavity
I. Epstein, B. Terrés, A. Chaves, V. Pusapati, D. Rhodes, B. Frank, V. Zimmermann, Y. Qin, K. Watanabe, T. Taniguchi, H. Giessen, S. Tongay, J. Hone, N. Peres and F. Koppens
Nano Lett. 5, 3545 (2020) - Quantum confined Rydberg excitons in reduced dimensions
A. Konzelmann, B. Frank and H. Giessen
J. Phys. B 53, 024001 (2019) - Spatio-Temporal Analysis of an Efficient Fresnel Grating Coupler for Focussing Surface Plasmon Polaritons
D. Podbiel, P. Kahl, B. Frank, T. Davis, H. Giessen, M. Horn-von Hoegen and F. Meyer zu Heringdorf
ACS Photonics 6, 600 (2019) - Imaging the Nonlinear Plasmoemission Dynamics of Electrons from Strong Plasmonic Fields
D. Podbiel, P. Kahl, A. Makris, B. Frank, S. Sindermann, T. Davis, H. Giessen, M. Horn-von Hoegen and F. Meyer zu Heringdorf
Nano Lett. 17, 6569 (2017) - Subfemtosecond and Nanometer Plasmon Dynamics with Photoelectron Microscopy: Theory and Efficient Simulations
T. J. Davis, B. Frank, D. Podbiel, P. Kahl, F. Meyer zu Heringdorf and H. Giessen
ACS Photonics 4, 2461 (2017) - Short-range Surface Plasmonics: Localized Electron Emission Dynamics from a 60 nm Spot on Atomically Flat Single Crystalline Gold
B. Frank, P. Kahl, D. Podbiel, G. Spektor, M. Orenstein, L. Fu, T. Weiss, M. Horn-von Hoegen, T. Davis, F. Meyer zu Heringdorf and H. Giessen
Sci. Adv. 3, e1700721 (2017) - Revealing the subfemtosecond dynamics of orbital angular momentum in nanoplasmonic vortices
G. Spektor, D. Kilbane, A. Mahro, B. Frank, S. Ristok, L. Gal, P. Kahl, D. Podbiel, S. Mathias, H. Giessen, F. Meyer zu Heringdorf, M. Orenstein and M. Aeschlimann
Science 355, 1187 (2017) - Plasmon-Polaron Coupling in Conjugated Polymer on Infrared Nanoantennas
Z. Wang, J. Zhao, B. Frank, Q. Ran, G. Adamo, H. Giessen and C. Soci
Nano Lett. 15, 5382 (2015) - Hole-mask colloidal nanolithography combined with tilted-angle-rotation evaporation: A versatile method for fabrication of low-cost and large-area complex plasmonic nanostructures and metamaterials
J. Zhao, B. Frank, F. Neubrech, C. Zhang, P. Braun and H. Giessen
Beilstein J. Nanotechnol. 5, 577 (2014) - Large-area 3D chiral plasmonic structures
B. Frank, X. Yin, M. Schäferling, J. Zhao, S. Hein, P. Braun and H. Giessen
ACS Nano 7, 6321 (2013) - Plasmon hybridization in stacked metallic nanocups
L. Wollet, B. Frank, M. Schäferling, M. Mesch, S. Hein and H. Giessen
Opt. Mater. Express 2, 1384 (2012) - k-dependent optics of nanostructures: Spatial dispersion of metallic nanorings and split-ring resonators
B. Gompf, B. Krausz, B. Frank and M. Dressel
Phys. Rev. B 86, 075462 (2012) - Hole-Mask Colloidal Nanolithography for Large-Area Low-Cost Metamaterials and Antenna-Enhanced SEIRA Substrates
S. Cataldo, J. Zhao, B. Frank, F. Neubrech, C. Zhang, P. Braun and H. Giessen
ACS Nano 6, 979 (2012) - Large-Area High-Quality Plasmonic Oligomers Fabricated by Angle-Controlled Colloidal Nanolithography
J. Zhao, B. Frank, S. Burger and H. Giessen
ACS Nano 5, 9009 (2011)